A Birthday Trip to Savannah

Johnson Square Savannah
Johnson Square

Savannah’s always been on my list to visit, and I was excited for this Savannah birthday trip for weeks beforehand. Only having one day set aside to spend in Savannah made it tough to narrow down the best way to use such a limited amount of time, but pre-planning the first part of the day and leaving the evening open-ended worked out pretty well to get a good feel for this historic city without feeling rushed.

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I applied to Remote Year: Here’s what happened

I like to travel. A LOT. What I don’t like is traveling alone.

I had been unsuccessful for years at convincing any friends to join me on overseas jaunts, so I just never went. Fast-forward to May of this year when I finally took the plunge to travel by myself and meet up with a tour group in Europe, and it was the best trip I’ve ever had in my life.

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Around Indy: Tina’s Tea Room

Rooibos Tea

A colleague at work mentioned Tina’s Tea Room as a good place for a quiet lunch, which led me here a little after noon on a Friday. As many times as I’ve driven by the tea house on Main Street in Carmel, I hadn’t paid enough attention to realize it was a restaurant and not someone’s home.

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Around Indy: Napolese Pizzeria

I had only been to Napolese only once before for an awkwardly tense work lunch and had been wanting to make a return visit to erase that bad memory and actually focus on the food. I finally got a chance to make up for that first experience with a second, more casual get-together. 

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Around Indy: Eagle’s Nest

View from the Eagle's Nest
View from the Eagle’s Nest

If you spend more than few months here, you’ll definitely hear about the rotating restaurant, The Eagle’s Nest, downtown. There are some restaurants that are iconic in Indy and this is one of them. After living here for years, it felt like everyone else in the city had been here except me, and I finally decided it was time to remedy that.

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